Min’enhle Ncube & Amina Alaoui Soulimani, Speakers at the Response-ability Summit 2021: AI Ethics in Africa
We are happy to have Amina and Min’enhle with us sharing their research insights and pursuits as well as motivation to be part of the Reponse-ability Summit this May. They share the questions currently at the centre of their research. What does context mean for data mining and machine learning? How can we think of algorithms as main interlocutors of research? There is a general lack of locally produced data for AI systems building and how to approach the issue of algorithms dumped on the African populations? And how are the investors’ geographical inclinations dictating the AI development in developing localities? As beautifully put by one of our speakers “online conferencing has broken the borders”, thus, we are curious to know what do they expect this open landscape to bring to their professional lives. Listen to hear the reflections to all the questions raised above and more.
Listen & Subscribe to the Podcast here:
Mentioned in Podcast:
Response-ability Summit, May 20-21 (Formerly Anthropology + Technology Conference) https://response-ability.tech/
HUMA, Institute for Humanities in Africa, http://www.huma.uct.ac.za/
Social media:
Amina: https://twitter.com/AminaSoulimani
Min’enhle: https://www.mimincube.com/
Min’enhle Ncube is a doctoral research fellow at HUMA, the University of Cape Town, researching the ethics of AI in healthcare in Southern and Central Africa. She holds an Advanced MSc in Cultural and Development Studies from KU Leuven and an MSocSci from the University of Cape Town. Her research background comprises medical anthropology, migration, developmental policy, paradigms and frameworks in development, the First 1000 Days (early childhood), chronic illness, urbanity, housing and postcolonial neoliberalism. She works as an applied anthropologist for a technology start-up and a charity organisation for youth mentorship.
Amina Alaoui Soulimani is a doctoral research fellow at HUMA. Amina holds an MSc in Social Anthropology from the London School of Economics and is also an alumna of the African Leadership University, Mauritius. She is interested in questions of imperial durabilities, the decolonial alternative, social marginality, and immaterial archives. She is a Moroccan writer, thinker, and feminist activist whose diverse work can be found across the web. Amina has previously worked at multiple international organisations, such as the UN Refugee Agency, Ashinaga, and the African Union.