Gloria González Fuster, Research Professor: on privacy, data protection and “the normal” human, who are they, how can we imagine them & give them rights in a meaningful way? – The Human Show Podcast 68
Gloria is a Research Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)’s Faculty of Law and Criminology and Co-Director of the Law, Science, Technology and Society (LSTS) Research Group, and a member of the Brussels Privacy Hub (BPH). She investigates legal issues related to privacy, personal data protection and security, and teaches ‘Data Policies in the European Union’ at the Data Law option of the Master of Laws in International and European Law (PILC) of VUB’s Institute for European Studies (IES). González Fuster is a member of the European Commission’s Multistakeholder Expert Group to support the application of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
In today’s episode we talk to Gloria about privacy and data protection law and the need for interdisciplinarity to thoroughly explore this space; the historical perspective on the contestation of data usage; the agency of the “normal” human of engaging with GDPR law; the age of consent; corporate transparency and the many challenges of artificial intelligence. Lastly, she shares her thoughts on the theme she will be speaking to at the Anthropology + Technology Conference, fundamental rights of expression and the individuals affected and her question to the social scientists in the room – who are the “normal” humans, how can we imagine them and give them rights in a meaningful way.
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Mentioned in Podcast:
Law, Science, Technology and Society (LSTS) Research Group
Anthropology + Technology Conference, Bristol October 3rd 2019:
Social Media:
Interview with Gloria on the Anthro+Technology Conference blog
Twitter: @FusterGloria
Google Scholar:
Gloria’s PhD