Jessica Outlaw: How to bootstrap your Applied Research Career; researching people in AR/VR; the value of a Social Scientist in Design – The Human Show Podcast 21
We talk to Jessica about what it’s like to bootstrap your own applied research career and her past and current work with research in VR and the gaming sector. She shares how she builds and executes a research project, what is – for her – the perfect team composition and the value of a social scientist within it. Lastly, she offers advice for people starting out working with industry and/or transitioning from academia to industry.
Jessica Outlaw, M.S., is a culture and behaviour researcher in immersive tech and the Founder of The Extended Mind. She uses behavioural science to help XR companies build and test experiences. She does research in digital worlds, app design, and gives training’s to new and experienced designers.
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Jessica’s work:
She is a 2017 winner of Oculus Launch Pad and you can download her debiasing training app with Clorama Dorvilias here:
She has a masters in behavioural science from UC San Diego and her research has been featured in FastCo, CNet, and the The Sunday Times of London.
2018 Survey of 600 VR users:
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