Capsule Episode Conference: Geke van Dijk, GOOD19 (Great Outdoors of Design) on Considerate Transformation – The Human Show Podcast 61
This conference brings together design researchers from various backgrounds (including anthropology) from around the world to explore how best to contribute to real and meaningful change in organisations, in economies and within societies. The conference is initiated and hosted by the Reach Network, a global network of agencies specialising in human-centred design research and service innovation. The overall theme for GOOD19 is ‘Considerate Transformation’. Rather than identifying and developing solutions to any need or demand, collaboratively considering the added value for the wider ecosystem of individuals, groups and environments is key. This holistic perspective is a natural extension of the by now widely accepted human centred design approach to service innovation.
In today’s episode we are joined by Geke van Dijk, Social Scientist, Co-founder and Director STBY at REACH Global Design Research & Organizer to discuss GOOD2019, its current theme and panels on the topic of Considerate Transformation, June 27 London, UK.
Event registration open: http://reach-network.com/events-publications/good-conferences/good-19/
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