Capsule Episode Conference: Erin Taylor and Rita Denny, Agency in Applied Ethnography – The Human Show Podcast 66




EthnoBorrel and the University of Amsterdam are running a one-day event in Amsterdam, parallel to the annual conference of the Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Community (EPIC). The purpose of the conference is to build connections with our fellow ethnographers and explore issues specific to the European context.

Today, the profile of ethnography in European industry is growing rapidly. Here in the Netherlands, EthnoBorrel, AbV, and the Interbuilding Applied Anthropology Meetup are some of the fora where ethnographic practitioners discuss their work. These developments provide an excellent opportunity for us to work together to strengthen our profession and demonstrate our value to industry. We can learn a lot from our North American counterparts, especially the Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Community (EPIC) who have been successful in promoting the use of ethnographic principles to create business value across different domains of industry.

In today’s episode we are joined by Rita Denny, Anthropologist, Partner at Practica Group and Executive Director at EPIC people and Erin Taylor, Anthropologist, Co-founder Canela Consulting and organizer EPIC Ethnoborrel to discuss the EPIC 2019 conference and the EPIC Ethnoborrel, their connected theme on the topic of Agency.


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Call for workshops, Pecha Kuchas and panellists here

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Social media and other links:

EPIC Ethnoborrel Meetup Page


Capsule Episode Conference: Erin Taylor and Rita Denny, Agency in Applied Ethnography – An EPIC EthnoBorrel, November, 10th, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

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